Cammie is uniquely gifted at listening and at deducing not only the essence of what you are saying but also the essence of what you are not saying - and even articulating what you're not aware of. Her wealth of experience is worth its weight in gold - to have access to it is its own gold mine - there is no situation you can share that she hasn't encountered. But beyond that, she pays careful attention to your specific needs and context.
New to executive leadership, I needed a lot of help learning a new skill set. I’ve read a lot of books, watched videos, and received advice. However, there is no replacement for having a seasoned pro help you think through situations and scenarios. Cammie’s decades of senior leadership, combined with her humble and unassuming nature, make her a perfect executive coach. After a couple of years of struggling to make change, ten sessions with Cammie launched me forward with improvements that have rippled throughout our entire organization!
Utibe B.
San Jose, CA
Executive Director, Non-Profit Organization
Brett B.
Cammie has utilized her decades of professional and personal experiences to adeptly guide me in identifying and harnessing my core strengths, helping me to navigate challenges, and giving me the clarity to focus and progress on my career goals. Whether you're trying to figure out the next step in your career or want to accelerate your growth trajectory, I highly recommend Cammie to guide you in your journey as she has for me!
Cammie's coaching practice fills a deeply needed gap within the executive coaching industry. Her God-given talents and the impressive leadership experience she’s cultivated throughout her career, combined with her abounding faith, unlock a deep, meaningful perspective that she generously shares with her clients. A coach, mentor, and friend, Cammie is unparalleled.
San Jose, CA.
Director Strategic Planning
Catherine K
Pittsburgh, PA
Dir of Marketing, Arts Organization
Stefanie M.